Monday, June 02, 2008

AP News (Jun.2.2008)

1. Fire crews in California are still cleaning up after a massive fire at Universal Studios. The blaze destroyed several sets including one from "Back to the Future". A King Kong exhibit and a video vault were also destroyed. Three firefighters were hurt. The cause isn't yet known.

2. Hillary Rodham Clinton has won Puerto Rico's primary. Fifty-five delegates are at stake there. However, Barack Obama is favored in the final two primaries Tuesday in Montana and South Dakota.

3. The Chicago priest whose comments about Hillary Clinton reignited the controversy over Barack Obama's former church has apologized to his parishioners. At his own church today, the Rev. Michael Pfleger said he isn't racist or sexist. He said the past few days have been the most painful of his life.

4. Space shuttle Discovery's seven-member crew has wrapped up an hours-long inspection to look for any signs of damage to its ship. About five pieces of debris broke off the fuel tank during lift-off yesterday, but none during the crucial first two minutes.