Thursday, May 22, 2008

AP News (May.23.2008)

1. A Texas appeals court has ruled that state officials had no right to seize more than 400 children living at a polygamous group’s ranch. Those children are now with foster parents. The court did not order them back to their families.

2. Strong winds are fueling an out-of-control wildfire that has scotched thousands of acres in central California. The blaze is threatening rural homes and has forced officials to close schools and evacuate certain areas.

3. Former White House top political adviser Karl Rove is being subpoenaed to appear before Congress. The House Judiciary Committee is calling on him to testify about whether the White House improperly meddled with the Justice Department.

4. Some D-C motorists (are) driving happy today, thanks to a free gas giveaway. Drivers lined up for blocks early this morning to get their 40 dollars worth of free gas. Some say while this won’t fuel the tank, it will get them through the holiday weekend.