Tuesday, May 27, 2008

AP News (May.27.2008)

1. At least seven people have been killed in severe weather that tore through the Midwest. Some of the worst damage was in Parkersburg, Iowa where homes and a high school were destroyed. Forecasters are keeping an eye out for more severe weather today.

2. Americans are paying tribute to fallen troops in Memorial Day observances. President Bush today laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns and spoke of the sacrifices of service members and their families.

3. Republican presidential candidate John McCain spent Memorial Day defending his opposition to legislation that would give additional college financial aid to veterans. McCain said his position is the right one rather than the politically expedient one. Barack Obama supports the measure which passed the Senate.

4. After a historic, near perfect landing NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander is getting ready to begin testing the polar surface for signs of water and life. The lander has already sent back some photos of the area, giving scientists the first-ever glimpse of the Red Planet's high northern latitudes.