ACK --- acknowledge ; used frequently in discussion boards ,lech-speak .
afaic ---as far as i'm cioncerned , or as far as i care .
afaics ---- as far as i can see .(依照我的理解,要我看。。)
afaict --- as far as i can tell .(按我所讲的 )
afaik ---- as far as i know .(具我所知)
afair ---- as far as i recall ; or as far as i remember .(我记得...,在我的记忆里...)
afc ;afk ------away from computer/keyboard .
afge ----another fucking growth experience .(
agp ---asian gay porn .
apg ---anti pirat gruppen (danish version of RIAA) .
aicmfp ---- and i claim my pounds .
AIM ----AOL Instant Messenger。(即时消息通讯系统)usage : talk 2 u on AIM .
aiui ---- as i understand it .(我的理解是...)
AKA ----also known as ,predates the internet .
anon ---anonymous .
ao ----anarchy online MMORPG .
aohell ----derogative term for America Online (AOL) .
asap ----- as soon as possible .(尽快,越快越好)
asl ---- age/ sex/ location . can be used to request general information about a fellow user. also used as an introductory phrase ,usually when expecting that information up-front ( some will consider this request rude )(当你初入一个国际聊天室,人家肯定会问你:HI!ASL PLZ ?;意思就是说,你好!请问你的年龄/性别/地点/?非常流行哦!)
atm ----- at the moment .(到目前为止;现在,当前)
atop ----at time of posting ...
attn ---- acceptable use policy .
aybabtu ------ all your base are belong to us .
azn ----- adjective short of " asian " .(形容词"亚洲"的简称)
B& ----Banned .
b2b -----bussiness to business .
b4 ------- before .
b4n ------ bye for now .(先再见了)
b7 -----banned ; a derivation of B&,minus the shift key .
ban ; to deny a particular user access to an internet resource ;typically due ro TOS violations .
bb -----bye bye .
bbiab -----be back in a bit .
bbiaw ----be back in a while .(很快就回来)
bbl ---be back later .(一会儿就回来哦)
bbq ----- be back quick ,eventually corrputed to bar-b-que ----see " OMGWTFBBQ".
bbs ------ be back soon ; or " bulletin board system /service ".(很快就回来;或者是说"电子布告系统")
bbt -----bubble tea .(泡沫茶)
bbw ----be back whenever .(随时都有可能回来)
bc,b/c ----- because .
bewt -----boot often used as " lewt fast 'n' bewt ass" .
bio ---bio break ,biological break ,bathroom of annoyance .
B00t ----opposite of "w00t" .can also describe kicking ppl from game or chat servers .
bf ----boyfriend (这个在我们QQ上也很常用哦,对应的当然就是gf了啊)
bfd ---- big fucking deal .
bff ---best friend forever .(我最在真挚的朋友)
bfg /BF G9000 --- big fucking Gun (9000) " can be found id Software games such as Doom ).
bj ----blowjob ; MEANS oral sex position .
bl --- bad luck .(真倒霉)
blog ----short for weblog from " web log " .often used as a verb .as in " iwas blogging today .
blogger ----web logger .someone who writes or post articles or messenges on a blog .
bnol ----- be nice or leave .
bofh ----bastard operator from hell ; a series of funnny stories about UNIX system administration written by Simon Travaglia .
bohica ,bend over ,here it comes again " originally as the US Army slang .
BS ----bullshit .(胡说!废话!)
bsod ----blue screen of death .(电脑的蓝屏死机现象)
btdt ----- been there , down that .(好了!好了!别再说了好不好,我已经听够了)
bttt ------ back to the top .
btw ------by the way .(顺便问一下)
btw ----- better than working .
burma ---be undressed ready my angel .
bw -----bandwidth battle.net specific : broodwar .
B/T, BT -----between ; or the BitTorrent peer-to-peer filesharing protocol .
byoc -----bring your own computer ; can be often used in connection with computer gaming events .may also stand for build your own .
cex ---" sex ", used to get around internet chat filters .(这样写的目的是为了避免自己要发送的文本信息被一种叫"网络过滤器"的系统所过滤,俗话说"道高一尺,魔高一丈"在这里先不追究谁到底是魔还是道了,总之,这种过滤器的作用就是为了避免含有暴力.色情和恐怖迷信等信息的肆意传播而设置和研发的)
chown (Ch0wn3d ) ---- a deliberate mis-spelling of " own " ( see ' own 'entry below )
cid ---- consider it done .
CiS ----chuckle(ing) in science , or chuckling very quietly , as an alternative to "LOL"
cig ---- short for ciger or cigarette .(雪茄或者香烟的简称)
cmiiw ----correct me if i'm wrong .(要是我错了,请您加以纠正)
CoD -----city of heroes ;
coo --- cool; kool; kewl ;ql ;qool ;qoolz ;qoolz .
cpl ----for " cyber athlete professional league . the biggest LAN event ;but has become an alternative to call some "leet gd ; usage :"OMG u r CPL ."
CS -----COUNTER -STRIKE.(CS;反恐精英,一种电脑游戏,属于单机游戏,目前已经风靡于全球.)
csl -----can't stop laughing .(忍俊不出的笑出来;破涕而笑)
ct -----counter terrorist .(CS游戏中的"匪",或者说是"恐怖分子;与次相对应的是"警"
ctd ----crash to desktop ; used to indicate that the speaker's game has crashed
ctm ----chuckle to myself .
c u ---- see you ; used as say goodbye .commonly together with l8r(l8); as in usage : c u l8r , or c ul ; or c ya !(再见;很流行的说法;尤其是常和L8R这样词汇搭配使用;效果更佳哦)
cunt ----see you next time .(下次再见了)
cuwul ---catch up you later .(相对而言比较少用,但当你发现你已经厌倦了说CUNT;或者"C U "时候,你可以尽管放心大胆的使用它了 )
cwot ----complete waste of time .(完全是在浪费时间啊)
cyberbug ----- somebody who spends too mush time on internet .(网虫)
cyff ----- change your font fucker ! can be used when some1 has an annoying & hard to read font .
cvq ---chuckling very quietly , see CiS .
C&c,CnC ------Command & Conquer , a pop senses of strategy games , originally by Westwood Studios .
C|N>K -----coffee though nose into keyboard ;
db4l ------drinking buddy for life .
dc'd, dc ----disconnected
dd -----don't die .usually used in online real -time strategy games
dernoe ----(i) don't know (不知道)
dgt ------don't go there
dh ---dear husband ; or dick head (亲爱的老公;也可以指代"吊".用来骂人的脏话)
diaf ----- die in fire
dillifc ----do look like i fucking care (我看起来很在乎吗?游戏中的用于)
dilligaf ------- do i looks like i give a fuck
dirfm -----does it really fucking matter ?(那真的很重要吗?)
diy -------do it your self (DIY的意思我相信在这里就不用我再班门弄斧了吧?!呵呵)
dkdc ------don't know ; don't care .("我不知道";或者"我不介意")
DL ;D/L ------download (下载)
dlf --------dropping like flies ;said when many participant have left a chat room suddenly
dmy ----don't mess yourself
dnd ----- do not disturb ; or dungeons_&_dragons .(别打搅我)
don -----denial -of - service ;
dotc --- danceing on seiling .
dos ---denial of service ; a malicious attack on a computer system .
dt ---- double team ;used in gunbound ,a game developed by softnyx .
dun ----don't ; commonly used by singporeans
Dunno --- i dont know
dut ---- don't you think ?
dyk --- did you know ?(你知道吗?)
dw ; d/w ----dmuh .
E .
ebbom ----engage brain before opening mouth
edmw ----eat drink man woman dorum page from hardware zone forum in singpore .
eg ----evil grin ,normally written EG or <EG> to separate it from the surrounding text .
eil -----explode into laughter
ei-oh-el ; another way to write down "lol " which stand for " laughing out loud " or "laugh out loud " ,used humorously to imply that ppl use " lol " too much .
eof -----end of life ;used to imply the end m of something .
eom -----end of messenge
EQ ----- everquest , a pop MMORPG
EQ2 ----everquest2 , a pop MMORPG
esabatm -----eat shit and bark at the moon , a riposte to some1 allegedly behaving like an" soB " . ( of offensive remarks )
esad -----eat shit and die . ( of offensive words )
exp ------experience .
ez ; easy . ( not confined to internet )
F .
fap ----onomatopoeia for the sound produced by male masturbation .also as a verb . see sexy losers .
fanboy ---- a guy with obsession of a operation , or a list of frequently --asked question ( with answer) .seldom appears written in small letters .
FAQ ----frequently asked question .
fe ----- suck my dick ( of a spanish expression for "fumate esta ")
fe ---fatal error .
ff ----final fantasy ; or friendly fire ( espcially in first person shooters )
ffo -----far fucking out
ffio ----far flaming out
ffs ----for fuck's sake ( sometimes replaced with fs ,fuck's sake )
fgi ---fucking google it ; used in response to a common question
fk -----short for fuck
fkn ----short for fucken
flobt ---- for lack of better terms
fo ,foad ---- fuck off /fuck off and die
foaf -----friend of a friend
foig ----find out in game
foocl ----falls out of chair laughing
fp -----first post ; originally used on slashdot
ftp ; f2p -----face to face
ftlog ---- for the love of god
ftp -----file transfer protocol
fttb -----for the time being
ftw ----for the win
fu ----fuck you ( predates internet )
fubah ------fucked up beyond all hope
fucktard -----fucking retard
fud -----fear ,uncertainty and doubt
fudie -----fuck you and die
fwiw ----- for what it's worth
fxp -----file exchange protocol
fyad ------fuck you and die ( from something awful.com )
fyi -----for your information ( predated the internet )
g2g ;gtg -----got to go ; also good to go
g4y ; gfy ---- good for you , or go fuck yourself
gagf ----go and get fucked
gal -----get a life
gcad ----get cancer and die
gf ----girl friend ; or get fucked
gfi --- good fucking idea
gfy ---- go fuck yourself
gg -----good going ; or good game
ggl ----google
gh -----good half used in onine games such as counter-strike
ghey ---gay
gis ------google image search ;searching for images though the google search angine
gj ------good job ;but often used as sarcastic
gl ------good luck
gl hf -----good luck ,have fun ;usually used in online gaming
gmta ----great minds thinks alike
gnite ,gn8 ------good night
gno ----gonna ( going to do )
gr8 ----great
grats ------abbreviation of " congratulations "
gtfo ----- get the fuck out
gth ----- go to hell
gtp ------go to pee
gw ---good work ,often used sarcastically
H .
h8 -----hate ,or" h1 " to "h9" to indicate how much a person hates something
hai -----a purposeful misspelling of "hi" ;japanese for " yes "
hand -----have a nice day
hawt ---- variation of hot ,used to suggest that s ome1 seems attactive
haxor ,h4xdr ;hacker
hb ----hurry back
hbd -----happy birthday
hf -----have fun
hijack ------- to start an off--topic discussion ; hijack a thread on a messenge board
hmwk -----homework
hng -----horny net geek
h/o ----hold on
HoBo ------person who play games expecialy HoB
hpb -----high ping bastared ; or high ping bait ;reference to those with high latency usually in online games . the oppoiste of lpb
hss -----horse shit and splinters
hth -----hope this (or that ) helps
htf -----how the fuck ;derivative of wtf
hwg -------here we go
hwga -------here we go again
hwp ------ " hug,wave ,poof ; a way of saying " goodbye
I .
ianal -----i am not a lawyer ; usually used before a non -lawyer gives legal advice , as a disclaimer
inars ------ i am not a rocket scienist
ic --- i see , also " in character "
icydk /icydn /icudk -------in case yuo didnt know
idk ----- i dont know
id10t ----idiot
idjit, ijit -----idiot
idnhswtw ------- i did not have a sex with that woman
a reference to the US former president Clinton .Quite obscure
iiuc ----- if i recall correctly ; or if remember correctly
iiuc ----- if i understand correctly
igahp ----- ive got a huge penis
i like pie ---- used to express apathy or confusion towards the present matter ,invented by YINever of the gameFAQs messenge boards
ilotibinlirl ------ i'm laughing on the internet , but i'm not laughing in real life
IM ----- instant messenge (即时信息;可以是名词也可以是动词)
imo ------in my opinion (在我看来)
imao -----in my arrogant opinion
imhpo -------in my humble public opinion ; or in my honest opinion
imnsho ------ in my humble experience
imnsho ----- i'm not so humble opinion
inmp ---it's not my problem (这个是我错)
intpfpotm -----i nominate this post for post of the mouth
ioh ----i'm outta here
iow -----in other words
ipb -----invision power board
irc ----internet replay chat
irl ---in real life (在现实生活中)
irt ---in reply to
istr ----i seem to remember /recall (我似乎记起来了点什么)
itt ---- in this thread ; first used on forum
itym --- i think you mean ; usually prefacing a humorous " correction "
iwiamuaftp ---- i wonder if anyone makes up acronyms for this page
iydmma ---- if you don't mind me asking (如果不介意的话,请能告诉我...吗)
iykwim ----- if you know what i mean
J .
jahoyft ------just ask him/her out you fucking tool ; used to motivate persons suffering from unnecessary trepidation
jak -----jazak allah khair ,arabic expression for think you
jc ,j/c -----just curious
jj -----just joking ; or just kidding ; or only jokking (开个玩笑而已)
jooc -----just out of curiosity
j00,j00s,j00r -----leet speak for "you " or " your "
jw ,j/w -----just wondering (只是出于好奇,想问问而已)
K .
k ---- ok;okay
keekles -----usually used while deliberately acting like a newbie
kewl ;kool; ----alternate forms of "cool "
kiss -----keep it simple ,stupid ( prredates the internet )
kitfo ----knock it the fuck offf .
kk -------ok cool (很常用的网络俚语)
kthxbye ------okay m thanks , goodbye . usually used to end a conversation abruptly and rudely
knn ----- fuck your mother ( of chinese offensive remarks ) (操你妈!看来老外也会学中国式的骂人了)意思就不用我多说了吧!
ko -----a common misspelling of ok
kol -----kiss on lips (热吻)
kos ----- kill on sight ; used to designate enemies in online games whom --based on their prior actions ---one should kill
kree -----attention (立正;注意的意思)【转载者allen注-----语出米国风靡10年的电视剧集StarGate中Goa'uld语,原句为:Jaffa, Kree!】
ks ----- kill steal ;used in online with an experience (EXP) system ,when one player defeats an enemy already weakended by another player .
kthanxbye -----ok ,thanks , goodbye ----- usually used to end a conversation abruptly .
ku ----- cool .(酷)
l8,l8r -------late, later ; as the same meaning as " see you later " aften used together with " cu " as in " cul8r " .
laffo ----- signifying for laughter .(代表大笑声)
lal ----- laugh a little . weaker form of lol used only by a select few .(意思在表达上能稍微比LOL语气弱一点点 哦)
lbr ------little boy's room .
ld -----link dead ; used in online games when a disconnected user's persona or character remains in the game .
ligaff ----- like i give a flying fuck .
ligas ------like i give a shit .
linkage ----link .
lion -----like it or not ...
liuy -----look it up yourself .
lmao ------ laughing my ass off (语气比LOL更强一些,意思就是狂笑)
chairmanl mao ----referring to the first communist of china .
lmfao ----- laughing my fucking ass off .(快把我笑死了啊)加了一个FUCKING 其实目的是在加强语气)
lmtfa -----leave me the fucking alone .(你他妈的别管我;或者说离我远点)
lol ------"laughing out loud" ,or " lots of laughs" as a replay to something amusing .also "lots of love" ( not as common " alternatively a llegedly derived from the Duch word "lol " ( "fun ") .
lolcity -------it does really means something is so funny the entire city laughings out loud . just a bit exaggerate though .(就是说某人或者某使很可笑,以致于连整个城市的人们都在发笑。听起来的确是有点 夸张,但真的是很有用的).
lolercaust ------pun on the word "rollerskates"; similar usage to "lol " .
L@@K ------ "look" ,from eBAY. Used by seller who have nothing interesting to say about their item ,but who try to attract attention anyway .
LOoxxen ------an altered form of "lol" . with virtually the same meaning ,but slighly enhanced .
lpb ------- means " low ping bastard " , it reference to those with low latency (ping) very pop in online games .the opposite of " hpb" .
lsfw --------" less suitable for work" .
ltid -------laugh 'til die .
ltns ------- "long time no see ( you ) "(当你好久没见你的网友时候 ,你可以这样说 了 也可以说"HAVE'NT SN U 4 AGES )
lurker ------- one who reads an email list or messenge board but does not partcipate in the d isscussion .
luser -------punny cross between loser and user ,can mean either of the two .usually denotes users of Microsoft Windows .
lyl ------- "love you lots " commonly used in online games .
lylas/lylab -------love you like a sister/lover ya like a brither .
lyk,lyke ----- means " like " .
M473 ------- "Mates" pronounced may-tez ,a term referring to a good friend ,closer than a " m8" .
m8 ------ "mate " ; as the same meaning as "buddy " or "guy " or " pal" .
mfc ------merge from current .
mlod -----" mega LOL of doom "
mml ---- " make mine linux " ,comeback to elitlist window users
mmorpg -----"massively multiplayer online role playing game" , a game played online with thousands of other people from (potentially ) across the world .
mod ---- " moderator " ( it usually refer to a forum ) or " modification ".
mookie law -----on the SiGames messenge board means to post a pic of subject under discussion
motd ------"multi user dungeon "(or dimension /domain ) a type of online computer game . very pop . please it in your mind .
mush ----- "multi user shared habitat " ,a text- based online social environment .
myob -----" mind your own bussiness " ; also the board name of accounting software MYOB
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